We help multicultural children excel in and outside of the classroom
using creative, non-traditional strategies.

Our programs are specifically designed to appropriately challenge our students to
graduate from mediocrity to excellence.

helping to make excellence the rule,
not the exception™


history  ·  language arts  ·  mathematics  ·  science  ·  social studies  ·  foreign languages

pronounced: ah • reh • tay


Improvement in grades


Honour Roll Status


IGCSE grades of A, B, or C


Increase in confidence


We fuse these three principles into our resources
to graduate our students from mediocrity to excellence.


About Arete

What motivates us?

Assisting students who are on the cusp of next level learning and needing the assistance to propel them from mediocrity into excellence.

Our custom designed resources bring out and reinforce the excellence that’s already within your child.

UK, Cambridge, Montessori, and other curriculums based.

Audible • Hands-On • Read/Write • Visual focused resources.

What once started off as simple one-off homework help sessions over a decade ago
has blossomed into an enrichment program that benefits people around the world.

Visit ARETEnrichment Studio
to learn more about what we offer.


Shop Arete

Explore our ARETEnrichment STUDIO!  Our resources cater to how your child learns best.

Discover varied tools to assist you and your child with:

• shifting from mediocrity to excellence
• increasing self-confidence and joy for learning
• unearthing their unique brilliance in creative ways

instant downloads • tutorials • activities • subscription boxes


Contact Arete

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  • Improvement in grades 99% 99%
  • Honour roll status 98% 98%
  • IGCSE grade of A, B, or C 98% 98%
  • Accepted into college or university 96% 96%
  • Increase in confidence 100% 100%


We fuse these three principles into our resources to graduate our students from mediocrity to excellence.


About Arete

What motivates us?

Assisting students who are on the cusp of next level learning and needing the assistance to propel them from mediocrity into excellence.


UK, Cambridge, Montessori, and other curriculums based.


Audible • Hands-On • Read/Write • Visual
focused resources.


Our custom designed resources bring out and reinforce the excellence that’s already within your child.


Visit ARETEnrichment Studio
to learn more about what we offer.


What once started off as simple one-off homework help sessions over a decade ago
has blossomed into an enrichment program that benefits people around the world.

Shop Arete

instant downloads • tutorials • activities • subscription boxes


In the News...
Fall/Winter 2018:     Global partnerships established and growing as Arete Academy Foundation makes it mark!

Summer 2018:     Excellence RULES enrichment pack – Bermuda edition is released.  Grab your enrichment pack and broaden your child’s learning and understanding TODAY! <<excellence rules enrichment pack info >>>

Summer 2018:     Summer, summer, summertime!  Sunshine, bbqs, and swimming weren’t the only reasons for us to celebrate summer.  Arete Academy Foundation was born!  We are super stoked!  If you’re interested in learning more about the Foundation or making a donation, click here.

Spring 2018:     Our founder had the awesome privilege of shadowing teachers in the #1 country in the world for education – FINLAND! Read more of their experience on <<<our blog >>>

Fall 2017:     It’s here – ARETEnrichment Studio is OPEN!  We are excited to make our handcrafted resources available to you.  A new resource is added weekly.  Join our e-list to be among the first to hear about our programs and new resources.  Come on in and explore today —> click here.

Summer 2017:     We did it again!  Summer Adventure Camp was another roaring success!  It gets better with each year.  Thanks to all of the team members and campers who helped to make it worthwhile!

Winter 2016/17:     Hats off to JASMEEN CODRINGTON-EDMEAD!  We are SO proud of you!  j.mp/2mmKoaf

Winter 2016/17:     Let your light shine, Dellwood Pink Paper Pupils™ enrollees!   j.mp/2lE6jvl 

Fall 2016 – Winter 2016/17:     NEARING COMPLETION…Arete Academy implements its Library Revamp initiative at Dellwood Middle School.  This purpose-driven initiative consists of creative strategies to help increase reading engagement, inside and outside of the classroom, for the student body.  Acclaimed local and internationally recognized artist, Alshante Foggo, jumps on-board to help giveback by creating a fabulous inspirational mural.  Check out the snapshots on Instagram – @designsbyalshante.  A HUGE THANK YOU to all who volunteered their time and/or donated resources/funds – much appreciated!

Summer 2016:     Arete Academy joined forces with Royale Education for Summer Adventure Camp 2016.  This creative, non-traditional summer camp was a HUGE hit!  Our primary and middle school campers received one-on-one tutoring, regular foreign language lessons, and participated in many indoor and outdoor energizing fun-filled activities!  What a blast was had by all – campers and counsellors! 🙂  Will we see you summer of 2017???

Summer 2016:     Arete Academy’s BBMe™ graduates are aiming high and reaching their goals!  Summer 2016 saw yet another BBMe™ graduate ‘walk the stage’ to receive his hard earned college degree!  Congratulations, Ellington!  (BBMe™ is a male-only enrichment program for boys enrolled in private school at the high school and IB levels).

Spring/Summer 2016:     Our Pink Paper Pupils™ program was a roaring success!  Our middle school enrollees completed the three-month program and many completed their school year with summer internships, free summer camp enrollment, and more!  Well done, Pink Paper Pupils™ enrollees!

FREE Key Tip

Excel in Reading:     These key tips can help turn around your child’s interest in reading!

First up,

Contact Arete

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99% improve their grades by at least one grade level

98% advance to honour roll status

98% receive IGCSE grades of A, B, or C

96% accepted into college or university

100% increase in confidence

100% excellence

Arete Academy results

I graduated with over 7 IGCSEs (grade C and above)!

I didn’t think I could do it.  But, I did it!  It felt good to be able to answer questions in class.  I see the results now.

Thank you!

(I’m off to college this summer!)

Ellington W., IB Student

It’s a beautiful feeling to work with a student who has it within them and just needs a little nudge
in the right direction.

Their expression when they realize that they can do it – have done it – is priceless.

Miss. Tamika, Arete Team Member

That was work?!

I was having so much fun!

Kailee F., After-School Program Enrollee

Giving back in this way is so rewarding.

Sometimes you are remembered years later with a smile, a hug, or even a thank you.

Yet, the biggest sign of appreciation for me is to watch them soar beyond what they imagined and encourage others to soar too.

That’s enough payment for me.

Miss. Renee, Arete Tutor

Wow – what a difference your tutoring program has made for my son!

For the first time, he has made the honour roll.

He enjoys learning now, thanks to you!

Tameka S., parent

In the News...

Fall/Winter 2018:     Global partnerships established and growing as Arete Academy Foundation makes it mark!

Summer 2018:     Excellence RULES enrichment pack – Bermuda edition is released.  Grab your enrichment pack and broaden your child’s learning and understanding TODAY! <<excellence rules enrichment pack info >>>

Summer 2018:     Summer, summer, summertime!  Sunshine, bbqs, and swimming weren’t the only reasons for us to celebrate summer.  Arete Academy Foundation was born!  We are super stoked!  If you’re interested in learning more about the Foundation or making a donation, click here.

Spring 2018:     Our founder had the awesome privilege of shadowing teachers in the #1 country in the world for education – FINLAND! Read more of their experience on <<<our blog >>>

Fall 2017:     It’s here – ARETEnrichment Studio is OPEN!  We are excited to make our handcrafted resources available to you.  A new resource is added weekly.  Join our e-list to be among the first to hear about our programs and new resources.  Come on in and explore today —> click here.

Summer 2017:     We did it again!  Summer Adventure Camp was another roaring success!  It gets better with each year.  Thanks to all of the team members and campers who helped to make it worthwhile!

Winter 2016/17:     Hats off to JASMEEN CODRINGTON-EDMEAD!  We are SO proud of you!  j.mp/2mmKoaf

Winter 2016/17:     Let your light shine, Dellwood Pink Paper Pupils™ enrollees!   j.mp/2lE6jvl 

Fall 2016 – Winter 2016/17:     NEARING COMPLETION…Arete Academy implements its Library Revamp initiative at Dellwood Middle School.  This purpose-driven initiative consists of creative strategies to help increase reading engagement, inside and outside of the classroom, for the student body.  Acclaimed local and internationally recognized artist, Alshante Foggo, jumps on-board to help giveback by creating a fabulous inspirational mural.  Check out the snapshots on Instagram – @designsbyalshante.  A HUGE THANK YOU to all who volunteered their time and/or donated resources/funds – much appreciated!

Summer 2016:     Arete Academy joined forces with Royale Education for Summer Adventure Camp 2016.  This creative, non-traditional summer camp was a HUGE hit!  Our primary and middle school campers received one-on-one tutoring, regular foreign language lessons, and participated in many indoor and outdoor energizing fun-filled activities!  What a blast was had by all – campers and counsellors! 🙂  Will we see you summer of 2017???

Summer 2016:     Arete Academy’s BBMe™ graduates are aiming high and reaching their goals!  Summer 2016 saw yet another BBMe™ graduate ‘walk the stage’ to receive his hard earned college degree!  Congratulations, Ellington!  (BBMe™ is a male-only enrichment program for boys enrolled in private school at the high school and IB levels).

Spring/Summer 2016:     Our Pink Paper Pupils™ program was a roaring success!  Our middle school enrollees completed the three-month program and many completed their school year with summer internships, free summer camp enrollment, and more!  Well done, Pink Paper Pupils™ enrollees!

FREE Key Tip

Excel in Reading:     These key tips can help turn around your interest in reading!

First up,

helping to make excellence the rule, not the exception™

Choose Excellence Today


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 Arete Academy.

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