Good Parent vs Bad Parent



When Parents Disagree About Social Distancing


“You can go outside.”

“No; you will not be going outside!”

“Don’t hug anyone, not even papa or ma.”

“It’s okay; go ahead – we are all family.”


What may seem to be simple decisions to persons looking in can actually blow into major debates for many parents during this social distancing season.

Sadly, too many co-parenting scenarios are examples :(.

Recently, I witnessed a normally cool-tempered guy convert into someone I hadn’t seen before.  One, who’s always laughing, and who loves to smile and enjoy time with family, switched from laughing to shouting angrily and hanging up on his child’s mother – in seconds!

Scheduling me-time with their mini me was usually never an issue. Actually, both parents display a great bond and work well together with raising their child – normally.

But, it’s social distancing season.  And, clearly, the nooses of what we can/should and cannot/should not do are tightening.

A normal conversation between co-parents can quickly elevate into an argument over the phone as one parent wants their child to be with them while the other doesn’t want them to venture out of the house.


What do you do?


This social distancing season is definitely doing a doozie on some already strained co-parenting relationships. 


Still don’t believe me? 

Click here to view a child’s reaction to seeing their father – IN PERSON – for the first time since the social distancing rules started. (Have tissues handy)



Emotional instability, right now, is increasing, for many. Regardless of the reason, it is present.

Without knowing the exact plans and actions of each parent, fears and worries can heighten.

Which parental role have you taken on?  How are you coping?  How are you helping your child’s other parent to cope?  And, what about your child?  


What are you doing to make sure your child is shown/received love by both parents while maintaining the peace and keeping yourself and your child safe?


Here are a few tips shared to help you during this season:

1. Put yourself in your child’s shoes.  If they are a daddy’s girl or a mommy’s boy, try to see what is missing from their view.  Try to understand their feelings of loss.  Circle time isn’t just for school.


2. Establish some basic guidelines based on what was working prior to social distancing.  For example, if Saturdays were tennis in the park with mommy, then, mom, try virtual tennis when your child is over daddy’s house.


3. If having a verbal conversation with the other parent is a no-go, try sending voice notes to relay your desires, and vice-versa.  Write down what you both agree on, what you are willing to consider, and what you will not entertain.  Hopefully, there will be at least a couple of points that both of you can agree upon.


4. Go back to the good ole days of communication such as sending handwritten letters/postcards, regular phone calls, etc..  This is not only a great way for your child to show love toward each co-parent, but also for showing love toward extended family members too.


5. Equip each other with the necessary PPEs.  Supply the other parent with the necessary essentials to take care of themselves and your child while in their care.  Pack extra hand sanitizer, gloves, masks, etc. in the backpack.


6. Educate yourself and your child (separately and together) on how you can show love and still stay safe when spending time together and apart.  Sort through the rumours and the facts about the spread of Covid-19.


7. Up the usage of virtual calls and dates in the yard.  Backyard/On the porch picnics, one-touch football, or creating science experiments together, are some cool examples.  Give them a try if you both have agreed to having your child live in one household during this season. 



What is working for you and your child’s other parent?

Let us know your thoughts.  It may help other parents navigate this season too!



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Let’s continue to invest in our children as whole beings – fueling their mind, body, and spirit.
Let’s do this!

Chat soon,




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